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How does chia’s composition compare to some other foods?

I put together two tables, both of which can be seen by clicking on the following link: Chia Compared To Other Foods,

The top table shows chia compared to some foods in terms of several components.

The bottom table shows how chia’s four main components (fiber, antioxidants, protein and omega3) compare to common foods, and to other seeds.

The values for the other foods were taken from the USDA Nutrient Database, USDA’s ORAC database, as well as other reliable sources, while the chia values came form either an average of the values given by some retailers, some analyses we have done, or from our detailed chia seed research studies which can be found here All of the comparisons are reported on a 100 gram basis.

Now if you want a more detailed analysis of chia’s composition, look at this table.

The table was constructed using a number of analyses carried out by different laboratories on seed from various sources. I have listed the average values along with the maximum and minimum values for each component analyzed. Blanks indicate that I do not have any values for these components. The mean values give a pretty good idea of chia’s composition, and should reflect what you would expect from any high quality chia purchased.

If you want to see how chia’s composition varies by location, year, etc. then look  here. The table is sorted by increasing omega3 (ALA) content and also gives maximum and average values for all components.

Chia Research

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AZChia presents years of thorough chia research on chia health benefits, chia composition, chia for animals and history. Read More

Chia Recipes

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AZChia provides many delicious recipes for free. There are countless ways to include it as part of your diet. Read More